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Forex vs stocks reddit

Forex vs stocks reddit

forex vs stocks reddit

16/01/ · Stocks are better for mid- and long-term trades because it is much easier to apply fundamental analysis. Forex is better for short time trading based on technical analysis. Also there are lot of special tools, dedicated for Forex like Forex Tester (back testing software), different custom indicators for MT4/MT5 platforms and other useful things Stock have more fluctuations than forex therefore return are greater. Trading them should be similar, however we talking making 20 or 40% in month with forex, but making 20 to 40% with stock within a few days!! Forex is a "long game", stocks (low floats) is the short game. This is absolute nonsense The largest difference is stocks tend to trend and currencies tend to range. More leverage makes it possible to make more with currency trading but you can also lose money faster. Leverage works both ways. There's also a lot more people trying to make a quick buck and scam people around currency trading

Stocks vs forex : Daytrading

advanced search: by author, subreddit Comments must be related to the question. No attempts to take the discussion off the subreddit are allowed via PM, forex vs stocks reddit, 3rd party chatroom, forex vs stocks reddit, etc.

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This falls under the posting charts rule where you must provide a detailed overview and context to your trade, but specifically singles out the posting of trade 'signals' with any commercial intent. No insults or attacks of any kind. Abusive posters will be banned.

We don't care if they called you names first; report the abuse to us and we will deal with the offending party getting into a name calling spat will likely just get all parties involved banned. We don't care how much money you made or lost.

Context is everything, and risk metrics matter. General idea: Business during the week, party on the weekend. MEMEs posted during the week will be removed, and MEMEs posted on the weekends will stay up but may be removed once Monday starts. The ONLY exception is bank holidays when markets are either closed or illiquid with little trading activity, forex vs stocks reddit.

Even if no rule was technically violated. The mods reserve the right to scrub posts, comments, and users from the subreddit in the spirit of keeping the community clean and forex vs stocks reddit bias.

Stocks vs forex self. submitted 2 years ago by devilsolution. All things being equal, wouldnt stocks have a greater chance of being a winning trade in the long term considering stock exponentiate while currency has an equilibrium, forex vs stocks reddit. In the very long term, yes of course stocks win. There is no market greater than stocks for generating wealth. You're putting money into something on the premise that it will print more money.

With dollar cost averaging and compound interest you should do quite well. Forex is concerned with identifying macro trends and sentiment. If we can see where we are in the business cycle then we know whether to proceed in the near-term with long or short stocks, bonds, cash, gold, and oil, as well as what segments of the stock market to focus in on.

If you could do that you would be even richer than even the best stock traders. God bless the ones who have figured it out, but I've long since given up on that. Doesn't matter all that much but there is a difference. FYI timing the markets is fraught with peril. Most experts agree you shouldn't attempt this. Of course in retrospect it all seems so easy, but in real time with money on the line it's very different.

Each situation that leads to a temporary market boom or bust forex vs stocks reddit a little bit different. Its okay i was just thinking aloud, im into algotrading so would it make more sense to do it on stocks? Investing is buying and holding something long term in hopes that its value increases, where value is the rate of return on the investment, forex vs stocks reddit. Trading is buying and selling, usually for a shorter period of time, simply on the basis that someone will pay more for the instrument than you did, for any of a variety of reasons.

Most Forex traders are looking to capitalize on trends - for example they see when people are buying Yen, and assume that people will continue to buy, so they join in on that trend. The intrinsic value forex vs stocks reddit Yen - what it produces - does not matter. If Forex were about investing then TRY would shoot through the roof with its high interest rates. Thanks for your reply, just wondering why you couldnt also trade the stock market if theres a better chance of the market going up in the stock market, forex vs stocks reddit.

Sorry if i sound a bit basic, also how does shorting work? You should think about whether is price more likey to be higher or lower 1 second 1 minute 1 hour 1 day 1 month from some point. Investing is like betting that something will generate large economic growth. Trading is more like acting as a batteryyou buy in times of plenty and sell in times of scarcity.

Shorting works by borrowing an asset to sell with some fee and to buy it back at a later date so to pocket the difference. There's no reason why you can't have both a Forex account and a stock market account.

Outside of the US, Forex accounts offer CFDs like SPXUSD and USUSD that let you trade stock indices directly from your Forex account. From within the US you have to use options to get the type of leverage Forex can offer you. Yes-ish equities tend to trend upwards relative to currencies.

Trading within the direction of forex vs stocks reddit trend gives a greater chance of success. Moves against the trend have trends within themselves, just on a smaller scale. Cycles within cycles. FX has the advantage of greater liquidity, allowing a trader to capatilze more off of both directions. If you rely on the idea that you are in a bullish macro cycle to be profitable then you will likely see significant losses on the pullbacks. There will also be a question on whether or not you outperform the index.

Stocks are better for mid- and long-term trades because it is much easier to apply fundamental analysis. Forex is better for short time trading based on technical analysis. At the same time, software for stocks often rare and expensive. So, there is no answer that something is "better than another", it all depends on what the trader likes more.

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Post Requirements You must be willing to explain your analysis and reasoning for any given chart or trade you post, or else the post will be taken down. Empty charts without annotations are useless. Subjective reasons for a trade do not help others learn or understand what you are doing, forex vs stocks reddit.

There are a plethora of subs devoted crypto topics. We are not one of them. This sub deals with fiat currencies backed by governments. Even if your forex broker offers Crypto CFDs, it is still considered off-topic here.

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Forex vs Stocks – What is the Better Market?

, time: 6:00

forex vs stocks reddit

Stock have more fluctuations than forex therefore return are greater. Trading them should be similar, however we talking making 20 or 40% in month with forex, but making 20 to 40% with stock within a few days!! Forex is a "long game", stocks (low floats) is the short game. This is absolute nonsense 16/01/ · Stocks are better for mid- and long-term trades because it is much easier to apply fundamental analysis. Forex is better for short time trading based on technical analysis. Also there are lot of special tools, dedicated for Forex like Forex Tester (back testing software), different custom indicators for MT4/MT5 platforms and other useful things Stocks can be more long term as opposed to forex so depending on your goal,either being a day trader or trading over months to increase your assets you can choose either. If you don't have much capital to start with I would recommend forex as the margin let's you make bigger plays with a smaller deposit

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